Monday, November 30, 2009


After much thought and talking with my family, I have decided to reschedule my surgery to sometime in June. I have sooo much coming up before then that I really would like to enjoy without having to worry about recovery or any thing that could possibly go wrong. I left a message at the doctor's office today and hopefully will hear something tomorrow or at least Wednesday.

I helped my oldest study for her nursing final tonight. Wow, I am amazed at all that she keeps in her head. Not sure if it is because I can no longer keep much information in my head or what. My memory is just horrible. I would read something to her and forget it a minute later. Used to be so different for me.

She will graduate from nursing school in June of this coming year. My next to oldest is due to have my first grandbaby in April. My next to youngest is graduating from high school in May and then my youngest starts high school in the fall.

So many things - exciting things - happening. Things I don't want to miss. I can take the pain and "live" with it until after all of it is complete. I will then take care of me.


  1. I respect your decision and understand your pain all at the same time! =)

  2. I am sure you did not make that decision lightly. My husband's recovery from his first decompression was pretty lengthy. (He still says the pain of recovery was worth it! He got almost a year of lighter symptoms!) He had some pretty incredible neck and head pain for what seemed like forever. It was very difficult for him to focus or concentrate on anything important. Everyone recovers differently, but I can definitely understand wanting to put off the decompression with all that will be taking place between now and then. We are in the process of scheduling his next decompression and he is wanting to put it off as long as possible! Smiles to you:)

  3. What do you mean only a year of lighter symptoms?
